Founding Board Members
Dr. Robert Cooper
Served on the Board of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine and was chair of OMA section on Addiction Medicine for 13 years. He received the 2023 OMA section on Addiction Medicine Physician Achievement Award.
Dr. Michael Lester
Has served as a physician assessor for College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Dr. Lester has 30 years of clinical Addiction Medicine experience.
He served as secretary of the OMA section on Addiction Medicine for 13 years. He received the 2019 OMA section on Addiction Medicine Physician Achievement Award.
Dr. Leonora “Lori” Regenstreif
Dr. Regenstreif earned a BSc from University of Alberta in 1984, then an MSc at the University of Toronto in 1989 and a medical degree in 1994. She trained in a family medicine residency at University of British Columbia. In 2017,
She earned a master’s degree from University of Toronto School of Public Health.
Dr. Regenstreif has been a full-spectrum primary care physician in communities across Canada from 1997 to the present, including Vancouver, Haida Gwaii, Inuvik, Sudbury, Manitoulin Island, Hamilton and Yellowknife. In 2010, Dr. Regenstreif began focusing on substance use disorders.
More recently, she has focused on drug policy in youth and indigenous communities.
Dr. Lisa Bromley
Dr. Bromley has been a methadone prescriber since 2001. She provides low-barrier Opioid Agonist Treatment in a RAAM clinic in Ottawa, and Addiction Medicine care to hospital inpatients. She is an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Maire Durnan
Maire Durnin-Goodman M.D., B.A(.Mod.) M.Sc., Ph.D, FCFP(AM), FASAM,<br /> cCSAM, cISAM, MROCC, CCBOM Dr. Durnan has extensive experience managing<br /> addiction disorders, particularly in the occupational rehabilitation of<br /> patients on high dose opioids.
Dr. Clement Sun
Founder of ACT Clinics (Addiction Centre Toronto). He was a former lecturer in Addiction Medicine using CBT. He has over 30 years of experience in anaesthesia, ICU and addiction counselling using CBT techniques.
Dr. Sharon Koivu
A physician for 40 years and an Addiction Medicine Physician since 2012. She has her Certificates of Added Competency in Addiction Medicine and Palliative Care. She has been an Associate Professor at Western University, with teaching responsibilities including Addiction Medicine and, Indigenous Cultural Safety.
As a Lawson Scientist, she has been involved in numerous scientific research projects and publications related to injection drug use. She has the lived experience of having family members and close friends with a Substance Use Disorder.
Dr. Jennifer Melamed
Jennifer Melamed is a family physician licensed to practice within British Columbia.
She has received recognition as a Family Physician Specialist after attaining a Certificate of Added Competence in Addiction Medicine.
Since 2004, her practice has been fully devoted to addictions and pain management. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (FASAM) and a member of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM)
Dr. Vincent Lam
Dr. Vincent Lam is an addiction medicine physician, a former emergency physician, and the Medical Director of the Coderix Medical Clinic. He is a Giller Prize-winning novelist, and a contributor to The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star. He was an executive editor and co-author of CAMH’s “Opioid Agonist Therapy: A Prescriber’s Guide to Treatment”, and has been a contributor to META:PHI guidelines. He lives and works in Toronto.